
  • “I decided to see Tami because I developed a rash on my neck and chest that itched terribly and wouldn’t go away. I had my chiropractor look at it and he suggested I use a topical ointment on it. It didn’t disappear so I saw my medical doctor a couple weeks later. She was stumped and suggested I take an oral steroid to try to get rid of it. I choose not to pick up the prescription since I don’t like to use steroids. I continued to get frustrated. Then I remembered a friend was bringing her son to Tami and was thrilled with the outcome he was having. I decided to give Tami a call and make an appointment. After one treatment my rash stopped itching, and the breakouts I developed from it were completely gone after two days. Since I had such good results with the rash, I decided to have Tami begin to work on all of my food allergies, as well as my back and leg pain. I have struggled with chronic pain for 38 years, going through 34 surgeries. I have appreciated all of the help Tami has given me through the NAET treatments. I am very pleased with my progress so far. I am seeing changes in my body in just a few weeks that haven’t been able to be helped by traditional medicine over many years. I look forward to working with Tami more to see what else can be accomplished that I never thought possible. Finally, I am excited to see what life has in store for me.”

    -Stephanie M.

  • “Since my accident, I have felt as if I am surrounded by the need to write “Thank yous.” I know with certainty that I need to put you at the top of the list! Thank you for pursuing this unique health practice that actually works! If I would have had to have my mouth wired shut for 6 weeks prior to seeing you, I would have been miserable! I would have nearly starved on my meager diet of the few things I was not allergic to – or I would have eaten and received migraines and been covered with psoriasis. Thank you for controlling both of these nasty symptoms and that I am certain I will not lose 20lbs as they predicted. I do not know how to express my gratitude for taking away and explaining to us our allergy symptoms. My son’s peeling hands, red eyes and fatigue. My daughter’s continual rashes. My migraines, psoriasis, diarrhea, candida, restless legs and low energy. We have gone to a multitude of doctors over the years – how incredible to find someone who actually improves our health with so little effort on our part! 24 hours! How small a time for a lifetime of health! Also, there is the huge, sweet, unbelievable benefit of being able to buy a new car without getting sick from the smell and being able to sleep on motel sheets that have been bleached without getting sick and itchy, and eating chocolate without a migraine! And no longer suffering from swollen and draining in my jaw line, losing 4 days in bed with a temperature every few weeks – a condition that puzzled a multitude of specialists since 1979 and caused more surgeries than I can count. As you know – both my kids suffered last week from a nasty cold! As my husband and I were driving to the fireworks on the 4th, I started getting chills, a sore throat and a runny nose. I was concerned about how I could endure a cold as I wanted my body to be recovering from surgery – not surgery AND a cold. I also worried about how I would breathe, cough, sneeze with my mouth wired shut. I remembered what you said – treated with my spit and the cold was gone! Amazing! Thank you again for your professional skills that have completely changed our lives. Thank you, too, that you have become a dear sweet friend.”


  • “Time and time again you have been there to help me. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I am so grateful to have you in my life. My allergies have been such an obstacle for so many years. Each time I come to visit my parents house, I dread the trip due to my allergies in GA and at their home. It’s been a big factor for my decision to move out west. The last night I was home (GA), I tried sleeping in the car, unfortunately, it got too cold! So ever since, I’ve been battling the allergies in bed trying my best to get a decent night sleep. As I’ve been treated for animal dander, dust, mold/mildew, I’ve gotten progressively better. I dream of the day that I can just feel ….good. Thank you for getting me closer and closer! I don’t know what I would do without you.”


  • “I’ve taken digestive enzymes for many years because I don’t produce enough stomach acid to fully digest my food. I don’t, in fact, remember how long ago I started, but it’s probably been at least 10-15 years. On April 25, 2014, Tami gave me an NAET treatment for acid (stomach). As the week progressed, my stomach became increasingly uncomfortable. Finally, on May 1, I realized that perhaps I shouldn’t be taking the digestive enzymes or maybe the dose needed to be adjusted. My chiropractor tested me that day (he’s the one who originally gave them to me) and, using two different tests, he determined that I didn’t need ANY digestive enzymes. YEA, TAMI!!”

    — Kay

  • “Tami, I just wanted to thank you for all your time spent to help me heal over the years. I am so grateful for you and really feel so blessed to have you in my life. You are a gift. Thank you!”

    — Jessica B.

  • “After some success with NAET, my son suggested I try the procedure to rid myself of cat allergies. I was extremely allergic to cats, which caused my asthma, using an inhaler 2 times a day for the last 5-7 years. After treating for animal epi/dander, the allergy was gone. I no longer use my inhaler. My son and his family immediately adopted a kitten and are very happy that I can visit them without any reaction.”

    -Herman W.

  • "I suffered with lactose intolerance for 5+ years, unable to drink regular milk or eat yogurt and cottage cheese. It was very obvious when I ate something that I shouldn’t have. After being treated for lactose intolerance by Tami, I am able to drink and eat any thing in the dairy family. It is amazing! Thank you Tami!

    - Suzanne S.

  • "I wanted to tell you how wonderful I feel. We worked on smoke, DNA, exhaust fumes and unworthy. Wow, I feel amazing!! I am back exercising with free weights to the strength I had before 2008 (my cancer surgery). I want this “life” more than anything and am excited to see it all happen. My asthma in Jeasus’ name is gone. I so want to thank you for what you do with NAET treatments and helping people feel better and healthy. A new mind and body is happening. So exciting!”

    -Shelly H.

  • "I was told to quit drinking milk 25 years ago due to a stomach ulcer. After treatment with Tami for calcium mix, I now drink milk daily and best of all I’m no longer constipated.”


  • “I thought it was time I emailed you! It seems as though my parasites are finally gone for good!!! I haven’t felt any of my typical parasite symptoms for awhile now. It’s so great to have a general feeling of peace, as I feel much less agitated than I used to. I am glad I let you treat me for them, I wasn’t getting anywhere trying to get rid of them on my own. For many years, I just thought my itching was an allergy. Finally, I got a parasite test done and it all made sense. Considering how long I had them, I can imagine they took quite a few treatments to get rid of. I don’t even want to think about the sort of damage they’ve done to my body over the years. Anyway, THANK YOU for helping me get rid of them…. finally!”


  • "I am so glad Diane H. told me about you! My cough is completely gone and I couldn’t be more pleased with the treatment. I am a walking advertisement for you. My daughter will be calling soon. Thank you for giving me my health back.”

    -Nancy A.

  • “Within months of each other, my dogs were diagnosed with individual problems that were so serious their former Veterinarian’s diagnosis was to put them down. To name some of their conditions: Diabetes, Thyroid Disease, On-set Kidney failure, Glaucoma, Cataract, Arthritis and Incontinence, meningitis, etc. Because I have been a patient of NAET myself for 10+ years, I was not going to accept that was the only choice for them. Over a year later, having switched to a raw food diet, many blood tests, other tests and disbelief by their new Veterinarian, they are happy and healthier then ever! Now when they go to the Vet clinic, they are like celebrities—the miracle dogs!”

    - Traci P.

  • “Thanks again for seeing us on Saturday a.m. Jack cleared up overnight! It would appear that your muscle testing was right on. God bless”.

    -Matt P.

  • Tami, I noticed last night that I had no headache and none this morning also. I have lived with that headache for 10 years so it feels quite wonderful that I’m feeling very good today.”

    -Kim L

  • “Almost 3 or 4 years ago my left shoulder hurt. I went to our doctor and he put me on medication twice a day to stop the pain. A year or so later I had the same pain in my right shoulder. After being treated by Tami with NAET, my shoulders do not hurt me anymore.”

    -Janice B.

  • “I can’t tell you how much better my hand feels. What you’ve done is incredible! You are an amazing woman.”


  • “You have improved the lives of my family immeasurable with your NAET treatments. It is worth so much more than this, but please accept this as a small token of our appreciation.”

    -Suzanna E.

  • “I’m excited to say my dust allergy seems better and I don’t recall having headaches anymore. Hoorah!”
