Tami Breidinger

NAET® Practitioner
Reiki Master Practitioner

I have been a NAET® Practitioner for over 20 years and continue to learn new complimentary modalities that I can incorporate to strengthen my ablitlies, expand my healing techniques and education. Healing is not just my passion, it is my life purpose.

Tami’s Healing Story

Before having kids, I thought I was super healthy. I didn’t think I had anything wrong with me. I didn’t think the crackly knees and sensitive ears when I wore earrings and acidic stomach 4-5 times per week were a big deal. I thought I was pretty normal. I felt great.

When I was pregnant with my kids, I had a lot of symptoms – I always felt horrible! In fact, I had every symptom known to pregnancy. Western medicine was not helpful for any of these symptoms. I started to search for natural ways to feel better. I would buy “home remedy” books and “natural cure” books. I found them fascinating, reading about the many unusual ways to prevent and treat all kinds of different problems.

After having both my kids early (2 months and 1 month) and having a very painful nursing experience (bleeding and pain on my part and spitting up after feedings on the kids’ part) and still getting zero help from western medicine, I kept buying  more and more natural healing books, trying to find answers. As the years went by, they both had ear infections, but mostly the youngest - she had them every month. The doctors suggested ear tubes, which I was happy to do, hoping this would solve the problem. She ended up having another ear infection the day after surgery.    

One holiday weekend while I was preparing for company to stay at my home, I was at the store buying dinner supplies when both ears felt like they just plugged up. One went away and the other ear turned painful. I realized this was an ear infection since I couldn’t swallow without my ears hurting or bend over without pain. (This was the very first ear infection I have ever had and it was about to change my life. There is no such thing as coincidences!) I bought some garlic at the store and went home and put a small pea size chunk on the trays of my ears. Within 2 hours the ear pain was gone. I didn’t want to ever take that garlic out. Plus, I didn’t know if I could. The friend who told me about the garlic trick didn’t say when to take it out. So I left it in. Later that evening when our overnight guests were eating dinner with us, I told them about the garlic in my ear. They said I could take it out – they knew about this trick. They mentioned the reason why we get ear infections was because of allergies and started doing muscle testing on me. Both of them had been through Dr. Devi’s NAET® training. What they said that night made so much sense to me and resonated deep within me.   

They said I should get certified to be a NAET® Practitioner because I was qualified to go through the training since I am a Registered Nurse. I thought, “I will go and learn this and treat my kids and a couple of friends.” After my first few NAET® classes in California, I started treating my kids. After treating myself for the basics, my problems started disappearing. No more sensitive ears, crackly joints or stomach issues. I was hooked and a total believer!

Through word-of-mouth, I’ve been doing this part-time now for over 20 years. Since I started, NAET® has come a long way. I am enhancing and contiuing to stregthen my healing abilities. It’s exciting every time I learn new ways to use it.   

Before discovering natural ways of healing, I was searching for a passion in life. I do not need to search anymore.

Disclaimer: Tami Breidinger is a RN not a medical doctor. If she gives you any health suggestions, please consult your medical doctor for a second opinion. Any information she provides does not replace professional medical diagnosis, treatment or advice by a medical doctor.


  • Basic: Licensed medical practitioner has learned to evaluate, locate and eliminate food and environmental allergies. - 5/02

    Advanced I: NAET® Basic trained practitioner has learned to eliminate combination treatments, complicated NAET® cases, commonly seen emotional blockages, exercise induced allergies, and person to person allergies. - 12/02

    Advanced II A: Autism, ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia - 3/02, 10/10

    Advanced II B: Immune System Disorders, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular - 11/06

    Advanced II C Part I: Meridian Association Time, Mirror Technique, Detox, Radiation - 7/03, 6/05

    Advanced II D: Male & Female Infertility, Female Disorders, Thyroid Imbalances, Melt Your Fat - 6/05, 2/08

    Advanced II E: Asthma, Head & Back aches, Ear/Nose/Throat, Treatment Enhancement - 8/05, 2/08

    Advanced II F: Nutrition in NAET, Substance Abuse, Managing Various Addictions with NAET® - 8/05, 7/12

    Advanced II G: Pain Management, Vulvodynia - 8/04

    Advanced II I: Chemical, Environmental, Seasonal Allergies, Physical Agents - 5/08

    Advanced II J: Overcoming Osteoporosis, Insomnia, Anti Aging Secrets - 2/04, 6/08

    Advanced II K: Balancing Organs, Balancing Meridians, Trauma Release - 11/06

    Advanced II P: NAET® Immune Modulation Technique - 9/13

    Advanced II Q: NAET® Immune System Support - 9/13

    Advanced II S: Managing Gluten Sensitivities - 7/12

    Advanced II V: Is it Alzheimer's, Dementia or Allergies? - 7/14

  • Advanced Pendulum Techniques

    Certified Reiki Master Practitioner

    Mas Sajady - 2015 - current

“Our entire biological system, the brain, and the Earth itself,
work on the same frequencies.”

- Nikola Tesla