Healing Naturally
Starts Within You.

NAET® is a non-invasive, drug-free, natural solution to eliminate allergies and sensitivities of all types using a blend of select energy balancing, kinesiology/muscle testing, acupressure, allopathy and nutrition.

“Any allergen or sensitivity is viewed by the brain
as a threat to the body's well-being. There is hardly any human dis-ease or condition where allergic/sensitivity factors are not involved.”

– Devi S. Nambudripad, DC., L.Ac., MD, PhD (Acu.)

Allergies & Sensitivies.
What are they really?

An individual can be allergic to anything. Allergy symptoms can range from mild to debilitating reactions to life-threatening illnesses. From a Western medicine point of view, an allergy is an overreaction to the immune system.

With NAET®, allergies are viewed from a holistic perspective based on Eastern Medicine principles and defined in terms of the effect an allergic substance has on the energy flow in the body. An allergy is a condition of unusual sensitivity of a person to one or more substances which may be harmless to the majority of other individuals. NAET® brings the body back into balance.

“The ‘Doctor’ of the future will give no medicine, but will interest the patients in care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

- Thomas A. Edison

Any allergen
is viewed by the brain
as a threat to
the body’s well-being.

What I do, is remove the blockages from your energy pathways with NAET®. This allows your emotions and physical body to regain perfect balance (homeostasis) and function. Our bodies are designed to achieve optimum health.

Once the blockages are removed and energy is flowing as it is meant to along your meridians, your health and immune system starts to heal and strengthen, allowing your body to start clearing your DNA for it to rebuild itself without hereditary attachments.

Hummingbirds represent “renewed health”.